Friday, March 5, 2010

Project Runway: Tool Time

You know what they say – one man’s trash bag is another man’s treasure. (But we’ll get to that later.)

After a week off (it seemed longer – I honestly had trouble remembering Mila’s name), “Project Runway” returned with, arguably, its best episode of the season and, DEFINITELY, its most controversial result.

I knew this would be a good one two weeks ago when the previews showed the designers frantically rummaging through tools. Tim Gunn and Michael Kors (for some reason), presented the challenge, which was to create an unconventional look using materials from a hardware store. The designers would also have to create an accessory (thoughtfully).

The challenges with unconventional materials on “Project Runway” are my absolute favorite. I think they create an opportunity for contestants to show their creativity, perseverance and intuition in an interesting way. That being said, I can understand why most designers seem to hate them. A few of them last night (like Amy and Maya) seemed to welcome the challenge (and it’s no coincidence they did really well), but others weren’t exactly jumping for joy at the prospect of working with tools.

Speaking of tools, let’s talk about Emilio “I don’t do crafts” Sosa (pictured, left). Anyone who’s watched the show this season shouldn’t have been surprised that Emilio complained the loudest throughout the entire hour. The thing that killed him was going WAY over budget at the hardware store, forcing him to ditch half of his material.

Emilio also complained about the loud noise in the workroom (as his competitors literally hammered their garments into shape) and threw a mini hissy fit when a couple of competitors pointed out the fact that his skimpy garment looked like a stripper outfit. Emilio’s always come off as an arrogant a-hole, but it’s easier to get away with a stank attitude when you’re doing well. (Ask last season’s winner Irina.) Following this week’s disaster and his mailed-in little girl look from two weeks ago, Emilio’s running out of currency.

Fortunately, Tim Gunn is here to lighten the mood. I love when he pointed out that Emilio’s innovation could be the world’s first bottom-less dress. Tim also loved Mila’s color-blocked (shocker!) mod look, and Jay Nicolas’ trash bag leather pants (shrinkage crisis averted!). Tim was considerably less excited about Jesse’s Elizabethan mini/elementary school project and all the copper in the room. (Probably the reason Jesse painted his dress silver.)

The runway show arrived, and the results were mostly impressive.

The top 3 was comprised of Mila (she may have color-blocked again, but her paint tray liner dress was hella-stylish once again, so I’m not mad at her!) Maya (excellent see-through jacket and key necklace accessory), and Jay Nicolas. I was also a fan of the way Amy’s dress looked with her model’s skin.

While Mila and Maya had strong showings, Jay Nicolas was the CLEAR winner to me (and the judges). I knew the pants were trash bags, but I didn’t realize he’d also made the top and belt out of the notoriously hard-to-manipulate material. This is Jay Nicolas’ second win of the season and, most importantly, he’s making me look like a genius for picking him as my Ridiculously Early Pick to Win it All after the season premiere.

Emilio, who had no choice but to make the tackiest bikini (that wouldn’t stay up at first) you’ve ever seen, was joined in the bottom 3 by Anthony (I thought his dress was pretty, but it WAS also soft and safe), and Jesse. Unfortunately, spray painting his dress DID make his model look like the Tin Man/a Hershey’s Kiss. (These are NOT great fashion references, as Michael Kors helpfully pointed out.)

Anthony was spared, which left Jesse and Emilio on the chopping block. Nina Garcia (looking kinda hot in a man’s dress shirt) had the line of the night when she directly asked Emilio, “Why did you choose not to do any clothing?” Emilio spun a story about how he figured every other designer would be making a dress, so he decided to do something different.

Fortunately for him, Nina actually sorta liked the bikini (I question YOUR taste level) and guest judge Isabel Toledo particularly bought Emilio’s BS, but she’s new, and she doesn’t know any better. (Meanwhile, the other guest judge, Stephen Webster, was a complete non-factor.)

As a result, Emilio got a stay of execution and Jesse (and his tortured, Jiffy Pop dress) went home.

Here’s where I come down on the whole thing. I’m never EVER going to be able to convince anybody that, based on last night’s work, Emilio deserved to stay over Jesse. (Jesse created a complete outfit, Emilio did not. Case closed.) Yet, I can’t seem to really muster outrage over this decision for a number of reasons. It’s partly because I’m a person who believes that past work and potential DOES matter (and Emilio has Jesse beat on both counts, in my opinion). Maybe it’s because I still have visions of Jesse bullying poor Ping from about a month ago.

The bottom line is I disagree with the judges’ decision, but I can understand it. I imagine a lot of you disagree with it too. One thing we can all agree on – this would be a LOT easier to take if Emilio weren’t such a douche!

So what’d you think of this episode? Did Jesse deserve to go home? (Even Tim Gunn didn’t think so.) Do you prefer when the designers work with fabric or unconventional materials? Finally, is Emilio’s bikini the worst outfit to ever walk down the runway? (It’s GOT to be in the top, er bottom, 3.)

1 comment:

ilovetights said...

OMG!! this blog is fantastic! why didnt i discover it since i started the show! Emilio is so arrogant- i stuff my fist down my throat everytime he wins so I dont have to scream at his ego! you havent posted on the circus challenge