Thursday, April 2, 2009

America's Next Top Recap: Face Time

You just knew she would NOT let it go.

When Celia spoke out of turn toward the end of the judging panel last week, Tyra firmly smacked her down. However, since it was toward the end of the episode, she had only a scant few minutes to firmly smack her down. We just knew Tattletalegate would come again this week.

However, before Tyra could drag this thing out another week, there was plenty of drama in the house amongst the contestants. Aminat and Teyona took exception to Natalie and Allison (who didn’t seem to realize she was involved) conspiring with Celia to oust Tahlia. (I’m totally NOT a guy who makes everything about race, but I couldn’t help but notice a certain something in the way the battle lines were drawn.)

Of course, the best part was, while an angry Aminat got in an amused Natatlie’s face and the group of girls yelled at each other, Celia and Tahlia (the actual main players in the conflict) stood quietly on a staircase almost afraid to say anything. I get really annoyed when people get offended on behalf of someone else (suggesting that Tahlia is too weak or dumb to speak for herself) so I found Aminat particularly irritating. Then again, that could have something to do with the fact that I kind of really like Natalie (pictured, right). I shouldn’t like Natalie (she comes off as cocky/bitchy most of the time) but I do, probably because she can usually back up her arrogant attitude.

That included this week’s challenge (one of the more helpful in recent memory), which was all about the face. The models would have to step in to large pictures of Tyra with the faces cut out and try to replicate her facial expressions. Since Mr. Jay (wearing more makeup than all the girls and Beth Stern COMBINED) is always talking about “not forgetting your face” I thought the week’s lesson would be particularly useful.

The girls could have learned important lessons about matching their facial expressions to the photos’ body language. The problem was that, for this challenge, there was only one correct answer (Tyra’s facial expression) when, arguably, more than one facial expression could’ve worked within the context of a photo. As a result, only Natalie and London had any kind of success, with Natalie picking up the easy win (and 50 percent more frames during the week’s photo shoot).

Another thing that was notable during the challenge was Celia’s descent. The normally fierce and self-assured model had a poor, hunched-over posture and repeatedly talked about how Tyra was going to send her home for sure. She kept up the Tahlia-esque pity party even after she and Tahlia had a shockingly calm and mature conversation where they seemed to hash out their issues. (See, one of these scenes on reality shows occasionally isn’t the death of drama.)

The week’s photo shoot involved close up face pics of the models splashed with a color they’d have to represent. To be completely honest, I wouldn’t have any idea how to “express” purple or yellow, but when the judges talked about the photos it kind of made sense. (Emphasis on “kinda.”)

As opposed to last week, most of the girls did really well this week. My favorites were Teyona (so expressive), Celia (so THAT’S what gray looks like), Aminat (looking earthy in green), Tahlia (getting her sexy back) and Fo (rightfully winning best photo). I actually wasn’t a big fan of Sandra (but I’m not a big fan of hers in general) or Allison (more of the same) and I thought she should’ve ended up in the bottom two.

Instead, Celia was the one who joined Sandra in the bottom two, in one of the most ridiculous turn of events on an already-ridiculous show. There’s no way you could ever convince me she had one of the worst two pictures of the bunch. On the bright side, Celia can brag about having the best bottom two picture EVER.

Celia was CLEARLY placed there for what happened last week (Paulina: “I like her — I don’t like that she’s a tattletale.”) I guess I can’t get too outraged since they didn’t actually eliminate Celia (Bye bye delusional/rude Sandra. You won’t be missed) but putting her in the bottom two based on something that had NOTHING to do with her performance this week was still stupid — even for this show.

So what’d you think of this episode? Did Celia deserve the scare she got? Finally, does Allison actually have another pose in her repertoire?

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