Thursday, March 24, 2011

America's Next Top Recap: Alexandria the Grrr-eat?

For a brief while on “America’s Next Top Model” last night, a modeling competition broke out in the middle of a CoverGirl commercial.

The girls were tasked with creating a commercial for the second week in a row, only this time they had more creative input. (Cut to control freak Alexandria high-fiving herself.) For the first half of the episode, they were split into teams of three with one person on each team taking the task of writer director or “talent.”

The task was to brainstorm and execute a commercial for CoverGirl NatureLuxe Silk Foundation, but the segment mostly ended up being an ad for what a horrible she beast Alexandria is.

Despite the fact that she wound up as the “talent” on a team with Monique and Molly (who were hilariously labeled as co-conspirators when Monique peeked at Alexandria’s diary later), Alexandria couldn’t help herself and tried to control everything. (Like when she repeatedly yelled cut to end a scene instead of letting the director do it.) When they actually got down to filming the commercial, Monique handled her relatively well, but the damage was done.

Jaclyn, Dalya and Hannah were on the same team… and a complete disaster on every level. Dalya, the talent, showed last week that she’s not very natural on camera, but she didn’t get help from a boring script that Mr. Jay slammed as too conversational or from stale direction that didn’t even attempt to make two people sitting around talking look interesting. (I know David Fincher wasn’t on their team, but come on!)

That meant the win (almost by default) went to Brittani, Kasia and Mikaela. Mikaela actually delivered an appealing performance once she stopped dropping F-bombs.

At the house, the girls were doing what they do — reminiscing about how horrible Alexandria is — when Monique got the bright idea to peek at her diary. No matter how terrible one person is, that’s just not right. For what it’s worth, the diary revealed that Alexandria isn’t so much malicious as she is completely clueless of how abrasive she comes off to other people.

The show also allowed Alexandria to try to explain her bossiness away by revealing that she’d practically raised her siblings. Come on, “Top Model”! You can’t spend 98% of your season building someone up to be a monster, then try to make them look not so bad.

Anyway, the week’s photo shoot brought the girls to a zoo where they would LITERALLY model some Rachel Zoe faux fur while holding adorable an adorable baby jaguar named Murato.

Hannah and Brittani clearly had the best photos of the bunch with the judges giving Hannah’s fantastic shot the win. I actually would’ve given top photo honors to Brittani because she did everything you could ask of her in that shot: she interacted naturally with Murato, she created a character without saying a word (a complete snob) and (unlike Hannah) she prominently displayed the product.

I say those two clearly had the best shots of the week because I really didn’t love anyone else’s.

I thought Monique’s attitude-y photo was good, not great. I didn’t get the love at all from Jaclyn’s lippy pic or Kasia’s leaning shot, which seemed like a complete accident just like Alexandria’s one shot where she was growling at Murato.

The two worst of the bunch were Molly (who was bad enough that you didn’t notice her terrible weave) and Dalya who, other than being great on the runway, has been pretty much non-stop terrible on this show with the commercials and photos.

And that’s probably why she went home. I’m sure Dalya will continue to find work with that bone structure Tyra is obsessed with, but she was a truly underwhelming contestant. In the end, Dalya didn’t wear her face…she allowed her face to wear her.

Whatever the hell that means.

So what’d you think of this episode? Was anyone else annoyed when the word “jaguar” was repeatedly pronounced as “jag-wire”? (Maybe that was just me.) Are you disheartened by the fact that the rest of the season is pretty much a whitewash? Finally, is Alexandria evil or do models just not understand?

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