Monday, May 24, 2010

John "24" Season Rankings: Worst to First

“Lost” isn’t the only long-running and beloved primetime series with a lead character named Jack that is ending this week.

In fact, the end of “24” has somewhat gotten “Lost” (sorry) in the shuffle. While “Lost” is undoubtedly a singular television achievement, “24” deserves just as much attention and credit for revolutionizing the medium and changing the way we watch TV. (And for inspiring the “Damn it!” drinking game.)

Though I’ve seen every episode of “24”, I don’t feel great about ranking my favorite episodes, since they all pretty much flow into each other.

Instead, I’ll rank the seasons, starting with the worst.

Day 6: “24” fans may not agree on much, but I think there’s a pretty strong consensus that this stink bomb was the worst this show had to offer. Jack’s father AND his brother being involved in Day 6’s major threat AND in the season 5 plot that killed President Palmer, Michelle and Tony (for the time being)? No! Wayne Palmer as President? (NO!) Jack killing Curtis? NOOOOO!!!! Jack’s sissy nephew/possible son? (You get the idea.)

The only good thing (other than when it ended) were interesting performances from Powers Boothe as Vice President (and eventual President) Daniels and Peter MacNicol (in all his Peter MacNicol-y glory) as Tom Lennox.

Day 7: The return from the dead of Tony Almeida was an exciting prospect (and Carlos Bernard gave a good performance), and President Allison Taylor was the best “good” president since David Palmer. However, the novelty of Tony’s return quickly wore off and the President Taylor storyline was unfortunately bogged down by a hopelessly stupid First Gentleman. (Although, I did like typing “First Gentleman” during my recaps.)

Though it wasn’t a terrible season, per se, it also didn’t really have enough signature “Oh my f---ing God!” moments, besides Jon Voight’s amusing over-acting. Ok, I take it back – the part where Jack tasered the phone was AWESOME! It should also be noted that this is the season we met Renee Walker, the apparent love of Jack’s life. (I liked her character, but I never bought their love connection.)

Day 8: For a while there, it seemed like the current season was going to give season 6 a run for its “Worst Season of ‘24’” money, thanks to the godawful Dana Walsh subplot (you’ll never convince me she was a mole all along) and what’s mostly been a waste of the New York City locale.

Although parts of this season have actually been MUCH worse than Day 7 (President Taylor and Jack losing their damn minds), I still give it the edge because the good parts have also been much better. (Welcome back President Logan!) Jack’s Iron Man impersonation alone was more spectacular than anything in the seventh season and one of those OMFG moments I was talking about. Depending on how it all ends, I might give this one the prize for Most Improved.

Day 2: There were plenty of things to like here: Jack decapitating a guy at the end of the first hour. A radiation-poisoned George Mason sacrificing himself and saving Jack’s life. The first assault on CTU (back when stuff like that could actually shock us). President Palmer’s poisoning in the finale. I was even a fan of the Kate Warner subplot.

So why do I have this season ranked so low? Two words: Kim…cougar. WAY too much screen time was devoted to an estranged Kim Bauer’s misadventures with an abusive father.

Day 3: This was the point in which the show ABSOLUTELY ran out of ways to keep Kim Bauer involved. (Now she’s a CTU analyst? Riiight.) I also wasn’t too wild about Jack, the heroin addict.

However, this season delivered on the OMFG moments — Jack actually murdering Ryan Chappelle! Sherry Palmer causing Alan Milliken’s death! Jack murdering Nina Meyers! Even if all that hadn’t happened, this was the season the show introduced Chloe O’Brian, and that alone gives it the nod over season 2.

Day 4: The more things change, the more they stay the same?

This was the first time “24” somewhat rebooted itself by ditching Kim as a regular and moving Jack away from CTU and into guarding Secretary of Defense James Heller (Jack would eventually get involved with his daughter, Audrey). Still, the show courted controversy by depicting a seemingly benign Middle Eastern family who turned out to be associated with terrorists.

Although this season was somewhat light on the OMFG moments, the show was reinvigorated thanks to strong supporting performances from the likes of William Devane as Secretary Heller and Arnold Vosloo as baddie Habib Marwan, one of the show’s more underrated bad guys. On top of that, this was the year we first met Charles Logan. Also, I had a big crush on Shohreh Aghdashloo’s Dina Araz.

Day 1: The day that started it all set the tone for this classic show. It also had a TERRIFIC beginning (great fakeout with Mandy being the terrorist in the plane after we were led to believe it was the guy) and an unforgettable ending (the death of Teri Bauer).

The reason I don’t give season 1 the top spot was because of some of the stuff in between. The show seemed to struggle a bit to fit some of the middle hours, even resorting to amnesia. (Never a good thing.) I also have to deduct points for Dennis Hopper’s questionable accent as bad guy Victor Drazen.

Day 5: If season 1 set the template for the show, Day 5 perfected it.

The Emmy-winning fifth season was nearly flawless all-around. It was good in the beginning (those shocking deaths), in the middle (MORE shocking deaths, like Edgar, as well as the stunning revelation that Logan wasn’t an idiot…he was EVIL) and in the end (the classic scene between Jack and Logan, where the president delivers the “You’d be Lee Harvey Oswald” speech). Kiefer Sutherland was never better, and he was never surrounded by so many rich characters, whether they were villains (Logan and Peter Weller’s Christopher Henderson) or just plain cuckoo (Jean Smart’s Martha Logan).

In fact, the only problem I had this year was that Smart and Gregory Itzin didn’t win Emmys (like Sutherland and the show did) for their work as the Logans.

So how do you rank the seasons? Will season 1 always reign supreme in your mind? Where does the current season rank? Finally, how do you want the show to end?


John (not you) said...

I just got back from being abroad for a while and am only now watching the eighth season (currently up to hour 15). I think your rankings are pretty solid, but this is my own version...

Worst to best:

"24: Redemption." Not sure if this should be counted as part of season 7, but if not, it gets my vote as the absolute worst segment of the "24" saga. Apart from the fact that I enjoyed seeing Lennox and Daniels again I have trouble thinking of anything in it that I liked. Trying to cram a complete, real-time "24" story into less than 2 hours was just an impossible feat. And the moment when the child soldier threatens Jack while repeating "kill the cockaroach" and then runs away at Jack's supposedly profound emotional appeal gets my vote as the single worst moment in all of "24."

Day 8. I should probably reserve judgment until I'm done watching it, but so far it's my least favorite. It alternates between the tired (another mole, another attack on CTU, another Presidential pardon, etc.) and the ridiculous (like the U.S. government would really send the leader of a foreign nation under threat to a safe location ON FOOT and only guarded by a handful of agents, whose only outside support is the Secretary of State checking in occasionally on his cell phone).
Katee Sackhoff (who I liked on BSG) also doesn't help with her awful performance - apparently the best way to maintain your cover when you're on the phone with terrorists is to sit motionless with a laughably sinister look on your face. President Taylor is even more bland here than she was in Day 7. Chloe, as usual, is given nothing to do but stare at computer screens in CTU. There also haven't yet been any of those "aha!" moments like you described. And no Aaron Pierce? WTF?!? Maybe the last 10 hours will change my mind.

Day 6. While I think the first four hours rank among the best-ever episodes of "24," it certainly did start to lose momentum fast after that. I don't have much to add to what you said about it, although I will say that in many ways I still liked it more than Day 7 or 8 simply because it was the last season to feature many characters who had been introduced during the "golden years" of "24," and they were never replaced.

to be continued...

John (not you) said...

Day 7. This started out as being my least favorite season, but it certainly improved quite a bit by the end. I liked having Tony back and Jon Voigt is one of my favorite "24" villains. However, as I mentioned earlier, "24" never succeeded in replacing the classic CTU characters who were introduced in the first few seasons after they were written out. The new FBI personnel (and the CTU people in Day 8) are about as interesting as cardboard cutouts. As such, there's really no one interesting among the good guys for Jack to play off of. And I've always found Allison Taylor to be a bore. I just never found her to be as sympathetic or as interesting as David Palmer, who set a pretty high bar, admittedly.

Day 4: An intense season overall, but this was the first day when the repeated twists from earlier seasons started to seem a bit tired.

Day 2: A pretty strong season overall, especially as "24" started to reflect and exploit the post-September 11 atmosphere which it was unable to do in Day 1. Still, the Kim subplot definitely knocks it down several notches.

Day 5: I'd agree that this was a great season, and was the last one that I felt lacked any major problems and remained fairly good throughout the day. And Logan is as interesting to watch as a bad guy as Palmer was as a good guy.

Day 1: I've rewatched this entire season twice since I first saw it and it still holds up pretty well.
CTU and its procedures seem more plausible than it became in later seasons. No President with the possible exception of Logan was as interesting to watch as David Palmer. Not that it doesn't have its weak points, like the amnesia subplot. The constant kidnappings and re-kidnappings also get old after a while.

Day 3: To me, this is overall the most satisfying season. While the episodes set in Mexico were a bit lackluster, and the Sherry Palmer subplot seemed an unnecessary distraction (at least she gets it in the end), the action before that, and especially after Saunders (my favorite villain) came into the story, was intense. And this season has several of my favorite "24" moments - such as Jack killing Chappelle, Jack killing Nina and Michelle trying to comfort a dying Gael. And personally, I LIKED the Jack-as-junkie subplot - this was the only season where I actually believed that Jack was capable of joining up with the bad guys or being defeated.

John said...

Thanks for taking the time to comment so extensively. (And for making me feel less self-conscious about over-writing.)

I can get down with your rankings, especially since you gave reasons pretty clearly.

The only thing I'd say is that, I believe, Day 8 ends on a pretty strong note. (There's a particularly solid scene involving Jack/Logan/and a tunnel that elevates the entire season.) I believe you'll have it up a few more notches by the end of the Day.

John said...

...oh, and the only reason I kinda took a shot at the "Jack as junkie" subplot is because it basically ended up being a plot contrivance to serve season 3 and NEVER came up again.

I mean, have we EVER seen Jack address the fact that he's a recovering junkie (or even hint at it) over these subsequent seasons. I get that realism isn't the show's strong suit, but still...

John (not you) said...

Thanks for responding. Yes, we’re each writing a lot – shows what huge “24” geeks we are, I guess. :^) I just finished watching Day 8 and yes, I’d agree that the last 9 episodes showed a huge improvement. “24” seasons often start off a bit on the lame side, but I think Day 8 took the longest of all the seasons to really get going, and I’d very nearly lost all hope by the time that President Hussan was executed – that seemed to be where it finally picked up. It was cemented when Logan reappeared on the scene, since Gregory Itzin immediately improves everything around him, and having him tempt President Taylor over to the dark side was an inspired stroke by the writers. And after a relatively torture-free season up to that point, things certainly took a turn for the brutal in the final hours.

Not that even the good episodes of Day 8 didn’t veer into the ridiculous – the idea that one man, even if he is Jack Bauer in full body armor and with a cool helmet, could kidnap a former U.S. President was one, although I didn’t care since it was so well-done, and such things were even a hallmark of the “golden years” of “24.” And you can tell that by the last hour, they must have been overbudget – the fact that we didn’t actually get to see the ambush on Jack’s ambulance was a sure sign. And they never got entirely past the recycling of bits from prior seasons – as in several prior seasons, everything revolved around the recovery of a tiny electronic component (actually two this time around), and the ending was pretty similar to the end of Day 4, with Jack on the run from just about everybody – but again, it was so well done, especially with his parting words to Chloe, that it didn’t bother me too much.

John (not you) said...

So how does this affect my rankings? Even though the last hours improved the season, I can’t completely let them off the hook for making us endure 15 hours of seriously bad writing before getting us to the good stuff. So, I’m not going to raise it that much, but I will put it ahead of Day 7 at least. Although it had Tony and Jon Voight, overall it was still pretty lackluster and can’t match Day 8 for intensity. It’s hard for me to decide if I liked it better than Day 6 or not – both seasons have long stretches of crappiness. As I said the first 4 hours of Day 6 were great, and I do like the last hour where Jack goes to visit Audrey and confronts Heller. So I guess it’s a tie, although if I had to choose I’d probably say that Day 8 was better as a whole. It probably would have helped if they had eliminated or at least seriously cut down the Russian mafia subplot that started the season – by the time things turned around with the death of Hussan, everything seemed rather rushed, and surely they could have used an extra few hours to fully flesh out those plot threads rather than wasting them on the irrelevant mobsters (even if one of them was a former Cylon).
As far as your problems with Jack as a junkie, I understand what you mean. Although I’d say one of the virtues of “24” as opposed to many other shows is that the characters actually did change through time, and USUALLY (not always) there were consequences for the things that happened, unlike, for example, in “Star Trek.” His drug addiction did cost Jack his job at CTU between Day 3 and 4, however, so they didn’t completely let it go after Day 3. And also, while addiction is a serious thing for the average person, I can’t imagine it would keep Jack down for long. I mean, this is a guy who regularly sustained injuries that would permanently disable a mere mortal – so I imagine kicking heroin would be like a vacation for Bauer! There was a moment in Day 8 when a paramedic offers Jack some painkillers, which he refuses – I wondered if that was a nod to Jack’s checkered drug past, but who knows.

I really just see “24” as a comic book. Comic books can be quite good, but they take liberties with reality that you couldn’t take in other forms of fiction. Their primary focus is just to keep us entertained, and in that sense “24” is one of the all-time best.

I’m curious, as a fellow “24” diehard, what are you hoping to see in the movie? I don’t know if they’ll worry at all about what the fans think but we can always dream.

John said...

Thanks for the responses. I'm glad you enjoyed the end of Day 8, and I share a lot of your same views (I found the lack of ambulance ambush especially egregious at the time). You're also right in that Day 8 began absolutely BRUTALLY for too long, but I tend to give any work of fiction credit for finishing strong, as opposed to starting off strong and tailing off (Hello, Day 6!)

I also hate to keep sounding like I'm down on Day 3 because it really was VERY good.

As for the movie, I'm not really sure what I want to be honest. I've heard prequel talk (presumably so that they could use Pres. Palmer, Nina and other iconic characters) and although Kiefer Sutherland looks great for his age, I'm not sure they could pull that off.

Basically what I want is for it to feel like a MOVIE. (As opposed to a feature-length TV show episode.) I want it to be expanded to the point that they try things the TV format never allowed them to do, while keeping nods to the original show.

As far as characters, I'm not sure which of the show's series regulars I'd like to see in the movie. (Though I thought it was VERY telling that they had Logan survive his self-inflicted gunshot wound.)

goodmorningcapt said...

I was actually digging day 6. I still think the 4 hours they opened the season with was as strong a first act as they ever pulled off, and I continued to enjoy that season, all the way up until the SINGLE WORST moment in 24 history, and I believe the moment that irrevocably damaged the series. After having just killed Fayed, Jack's cell rings. On the other end of that phone line.. a catatonic Audrey Raines, as well as Cheng, China, diminishing ratings, a writer's strike, and eventually, cancellation. And what I thought had been a cool season dissipates into a hazy confusing melange of president "dirty old man," a component that is important for some reason, a whiney nephew and the guy from Babe gone evil, and Audrey's crazy eyes batting to and fro like a frightened chipmunk. If day 6 of 24 had somehow through a freak time warp or something managed to only be 16 hours long, I think the season would have been a success, they wouldn't have been compelled to attempt the "just jack and chloe" reboot, and the show might actually still be on the air.

John said...


Excellent point about Day 6 getting off to a terrific start.

However, you're even more generous than I am. I'd completely agree with you (and the other John who commented) that the first FOUR hours (right up until Jack kills Curtis and the bomb goes off) are among the finest "24" has produced. (Certainly among the finest starts to a season.)I thought I'd made this point in my initial post, but now I see that I didn't.

Unfortunately, I still consider everything after that a disaster.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for the comment!

Jgoodmorningcapt said...

Well understand, I'm not proposing that, before it became the "audrey's frantic eyelids" show, that day 6 was on par with 24's best work. I thought it was middle of the road, on par with, say, Day 2; flawed and tedious at times, and too much focus on other Bauers (luckily they didn't put James Cromwell in a white skin tight tank top), but still entertaining and enjoyable, and better than most anything else on tv at the time. At least, until Jack answered that damn call...

I thought the Fayed part of the day was good. I think, if it hadn't been right on the heels of Day 5, which was prefect, pre-China Day 6 would have been better received. Just my opinion.

John said...

The fact that it followed Day 5 (which, as you can see, was my favorite) probably DID make Day 6 seem stinkier than it actually was.

I never really thought about that before, since "24" seasons are mostly pretty independent from one another, but it's a good point.

Alfie said...

I just finished watching all 8 seasons of my 24 dvds I pulled out that I havent seen in a while and I actually have some thoughts I would like to share. But my list is so different from anyone elses just hear me out.

Weakest to Strongest

Day 8- I'm sorry this season does end on a strong note but...... This is the only season where I actually get bored. If it was a little slow it would be one thing but damn. I forgot how boring this season was until disc 5. I also agree with the agents being not interesting at all

Day 6- This season has good moments and bad. Regina King was extremely underused. I liked the subplot of his brother being evil but his father was too much. I was going to rank this last but I can't because the last 7 hrs are so funny.. it still stays enetertaining just not how it was intended.(Note: Who ever created that DVD Menu was clearly on drugs or it was made as a joke to the season being bad. Either way it gives me a headache)

Day 4- This season would be ranked so much higher if for one thing.... What are the odds that no police, swat team, or anyone other than two teens, Jack, and some villains were around the football right after the presedent went down from a plane blowing up.... Come on .... This was the most action packed day and what saved it for me was Dina and Mandy

Day 7- I enjoyed Tony's comeback and a change of location. Sadly This was the point I could see the actors aging but still very strong season amazing comeback from Day 4

Day 1- This had my jawdrop moment of all time.... we all know it was the end of the 23rd episode... I feel the more independant feel of this season keeps the pace.... although the late afternoon hours drag a bit

Day 3- DRRRRRRAAAAAAAGGGGGGGSSSSSSSS in the beginning but...has the best second half of any season of 24. Dessler is amazing in season and the hotel sequences are fantastic would have been my top choice if it didn't take so long to get to it.

Day 5- Ok..... This season unlike my top choice is well perfect acting, perfect story, and put together the best but...... It's just not my favorite and I think the reason is I just never bought the Jack and Audrey thing. I see nothing with them. I know thats dumb to not give it number one but as a viewer I just didn't feel it where as in my top pick

Day 2- I totally felt the connection of Jack and Kate Warner. I think this seasona also had the most believeable plotlines....As for Kim.... yes she is not involved in much other than the Kim story but in defense she is Jacks daughter which no matter what she does is part of the story. People get over the cougar it wasn't that deep. Sherry Palmer had her best role in this Season and we had all the charaters we love except Chloe here. Shocking and evil Marie Warner was amazing and of all days I was by far the most entertained. Sadly after this season we only see Kate Warner briefly in one more episode. I wish Kate would have been a staple to the show and I feel her and Jack would be a perfect match as well as a great mom for Kim. My final reason for this being my favorite season in the last few seconds of the 24th hour we get to see someone we never expected...Mandy!!!!!

John said...


Thanks for your comments.

One day, I'll go back and re-watch "24" in its entirety, and I wouldn't be surprised if my rankings changed a bit.

I'm willing to concede that maybe I was feeling a bit sentimental that the show was ending, which resulted in me slightly over-rating Day 8. Still, I just don't think anyone will be able to change my mind that any season other than 6 is the worst in "24" history. Just brutal. (I mean, your main defense is the unintentional comedy it provided...not good.)

As for Day 2 as your best: it absolutely had some soaring heights, but I wasn't as invested in Kate Warner as you seemed to be, so I can't hold it in as high esteem. (Though I certainly liked Kate more than Audrey Raines.)

And as far as Kim/cougar thing: I realize it's silly and a relatively small part of the season. The reason it was horrible and indefensible is because it highlighted the worst part about Kim's character: she only existed to get into trouble and distract Jack from saving the world. The writers obviously realized this and made her stronger in subsequent appearances. Like you said, Kim is Jack's daughter so no matter what she does, it's part of the story. You seem to view that as a positive. To me, it makes it sound like they were stuck with her and had no idea what to do. As a result, the cougar trap remains the most embarrassing representation of one of the worst parts of "24."

And that's me taking something that wasn't that deep and making it somewhat deep. :)

Alfie said...


Thanks for replying ........

I actually agree with you on the cougar scene being among the worst. For me the worst of the of all was actually in the sixth season where right after our villain is hung from a chain.... What are the odds of Jack getting the Audrey is alive call. From that point on I couldn't stop laughing.

My favorite moments ran through many days but usually involved the villains so I thought I would run through my top 10 list of villains and hope to get a response from you of yours. I find it interesting to hear watch other loyal viewers of the same show or film think as everyones opinions are different

10- George Henderson (Season 5)
9 -Stephen Saunders (Season 3)
8- Quinn (Season 7)
7- Gaines (Season 1)
6- Marwan (Season 4)
5- Sherry Palmer (Seasons 1-3..... but nothing can compare her being a villain like season 3 ....although her role was much better in day 2)
4- Pres. Logan (Season 5)
3-Dina Araz and Mandy (Season 4) I rank them together because in Day 4 they made the day so enjoyable..... without them I'm not so sure....Mandy had been in day 1 and 2 but this season we really had more airtime with her to see what she is truely capable of... Where Dina made the first half edge of seat sadistic
2- Marie Warner (Season 2) I rank her so high due to the last scene she was in when she looks at Kate and says do you think you will be safe out there. She is a deceitful bitch. She evn was going to shot her sister and even gave sex for a device to blow up LA.
1-Nina Myers (Season 1-3) This bitch out ranks everyone . Im sure no explaination is needed

My Top Five Good Guys

Michelle Dessler
Aaron Pierce
Martha Logan
Chloe O'Brian
Kate Warner

Hope to hear your thoughts or replies.

John said...


I love the idea of ranking the top 10 "24" villains, but I don't know if I have the energy! (Plus, I haven't watched the show since it ended.) All I know is that, in a top-10 list of "24" villains, I'd probably have Dana Walsh ranked around #75. (Just ahead of Kim's jerky psychiatrist boyfriend from Day 5.)

Also, I'm a big Dina Araz fan, so I approve of that ranking.

However, shame on you for not including Curtis among your top 5 good guys. (Or, as I like to call him, "Black Jack.")

Alfie said...

I actually rewatched Day 8 to make sure I wasnt to harsh....... I'm sorry but I prefer the awful writing of Season 6. Than that alwful boring drawn out for 10 hours plot on Dana Walsh and her hick boyfriend. At least the subplots in Day 6 were stupid and funny but short lived. Sadly even the night hours (which are usually the best) were wasted on Dana and her trashy ex. Sorry I can't rank Day 8 above 6. But I do agree the last 3 rd was very strong. Just for me not strong enough to repair that horrible Dana story. At least in six we finally see the end of Audrey. I still like Marine better for Jack, but Renee Walker at least had some charater well at least in Day 7. You wouldn't know in Day 8 because I think her stupid story has more airtime than Jack so you could easily forget she was even in Day 8 unless you love the show.

Alfie said...

Oops I made a type o I meant to type Kate Warner not her evilas hell sister Marie

John said...

Now we're just splitting hair here.

Both season 6 and season 8 are bad, and we both agree that the Dana Walsh situation was an abomination.

We're just going to agree to disagree as to which was "better." I like the one that, at least, finished strong, and you liked the one where Jack's dad and brother were both randomy conspiring to end the world and where Jack had a sissy nephew/son. No judgment. :)

Cam Sully said...

DAY 1:: This works possibly best to most viewers since not only is it the birth but it keeps the plot twists simple, takes a tired premise & it's compelling look at this agent's transformation as failed family man into an unstoppable rescuer as well as the scandal-ridden senator's campaign.
DAY 2:: A great companion; George Mason's character is better defined, the villains are fresh as new and the introduction of Michelle Dessler's office romance with Tony Almeida open up the barrier of suspension of disbelief but boy howdy is it handled so well!
Cons: the useless Kim Bauer-cougar attack.
DAY 3:: If you ever need to introduce a fan to this franchise, I highly suggest this one, the 4th series or the 7th one. Michelle and Tony are given more to do, Nina Myer's death is rewarding & Chloe O'Brian is introduced.
If you don't dig the Salazar storyline, you can still at least love the focus on capturing the brokers of the actual virus. Chloe doesn't get to do much this go-around and Kim Bauer working at a gov't security agency does cause some groan-worthy continuity but it's still solid.
DAY 4:: Possibly my favorite terrorist subplot out of all the days with it's Blackwater-type company, more of the Day 2-type sleeper cell units and showcasing every character's hourly processes rather delicately while giving almost the exact same amount of screen-time to the newer characters. It's also Kim Bauer-free for once.
DAY 5:: This is the show at it's finest for most fans and there's no question that it joins Sopranos, The Wire and The Shield at showing how a sharply written and addicting show can truly rival that of the latest blockbuster.
DAY 6:: I do feel like Bauer family part is too much to take in one scoop but I also feel like it's rather grand by wisely copying Day 2's technique at handling the CTU office drama & once again having the VP try to overpower the President. It's also rather neat IMO at showing how the current president can't live up to his legacy; having Fayed rival that of Marwan or Stephen Saunders and fleshing out the relationships of the various characters (i.e. Karen and Bill, Morris and Chloe).
Personally, I hated Curtis' death & liked how they brought back Milo Pressman & the fact that Kim Bauer is once again absent.
REDEMPTION/DAY 7:: I would say has the best villains out of the entire show not only due to the show truly being laden with those big cheeses but it's like the actors portraying him are making it their mission to outdo the other(s) one line of dialogue and threatening action at a time. Can you seriously choose between Dubaku, Juma, Hodges, Quinn and even Alan Wilson as the best one out of the entire season?
DAY 8:: First of all, many of the promising or events that were previewed in motion were pretty underused IMO. Everything from Davros to granddaughter Teri to Jack talking to the suicidal bomber via TV screen to Delta Force buddy Michael Madsen and other small twists should've used a bit more juice.
Lots of first-time viewers really applauded this season but for longtime fans, it broke very little ground. We've seen Russian/Arab terrorists, Jack losing a love interest, Bauer going rogue, corrupt White House staff & Logan getting kidnapped all before. The show really suffered from having director/producer Jon Cassar leave early as his editing crew would've left all of the boring undercover work with Renee, Dana Walsh storyline be better presented and leave out all the annoying kidnappings of both Hassan and his bratty daughter. We could've also used someone else besides Freddie Prinze, Jr. as a poor-man's Chase.
The ending was too anti-climatic and the Bauer revenge was cliche but despite that, the cast still had visceral line delivery, the action sequences near the end were better shot and the show was definitely more involving than any other Suspense-Action Drama on the air at that time (yes, even NCIS and Bones!)

John said...

@ Jeff Mackey

I enjoyed reading your incredibly detailed recap and your thoughts on the show.

It amuses me to no end that people are still reading this post years after the show went off the air. Thanks!

Alfie said...

I just finished watching the full series again and i have changed my mind a bit...... Worst to Best

Day-6- The first half is perfectly fine..... then crash and burn
Day-8-- Is Only so low because of all the useless hours of Dana Walsh
Day-3- Drags to much in the first hours but comes around at the final hours with some of the best of the series
Day-7- I can't explain it I just really enjoy this season
Day-5- Overratted but great preforances with all charaters
Day-1-One probally be number one if they could have spruced up the afternoon episodes
Day-4- After a second view....... Dina makes this season as well as Mandy and the constant change storyline
Day-2- I still feel even with the cougar scene this the best. Jack had more balance and chemistry with Kate Warner than any other character in the entire series...... and also the best cliffhanger for the next season....

Tony Bauer said...

I just started season 8 (episode 2) after watching the first 7 seasons in close to 15 months.

Here are my worst to best:

Day 6 - By far the worst (but season 8 from what i saw in the first 2 episodes has the "potential" to be even worse). The white house story was super boring. Wayne Palmer as President didn't worked for me. I also didn't connect to characters like Tom Lennox, Karen Hayes or Nadia Yassir. Plus i kind of hate Eric Balfour and didn't liked his comeback in the first place. The only thing i really liked were the Chloe and Morris Scenes.

Day 2 - For me this season is kind of overrated. It was ok and for sure alot better than day 6, but i found the last third of the season after the bomb exploded very boring. It seemed as we were getting the beginnig of another new season after that. Kim for sure wasn't that exciting eather, but at least see was pretty hot at the time. The Palmer political thing wasn't that interesting as well.

Day 1 - Another solid one, but very slow pace. I didn't like the Teri and Kim Story's that much. Gaines was kind of a cool bad guy but he died to fast in my opinion. The Palmer Story was good but i thing if i would watch it again it could be boring cause he and his staff had alot of screentime. The end was kind of shocking, but i didn't like Teri also so i was kind of happy that she wasn't coming back in season 2.

Day 5 - It was great! But i think i would have liked it more if it would have been season 2 or 3. Besides Logan being evil there were many things we have seen again and again in the years before. Plus i hated that they killed some of the best characters with David Palmer, Michelle Dessler and Edgar.

Day 4 - The beginning was kind of a shock cause i missed my beloved characters like tony, michelle and david palmer. But it really got better and better after the first couple of boring episodes. Especially the second half of the season is as strong as it gets. I loved Mandy coming back and the chinese coming into the picture. The end was also pretty strong with the Palmer and Jack conversation and Jack walking into the sunset.

Day 7 - I really liked this season. The change to bring it to Washington was great. I also liked to have the FBI instead of the CTU. Larry Moss and Renee Walker were to new characters i really liked. Having Tony Almeida back was another strong point. The Jack infection story was the only weakness in my mind, cause as a dvd watcher i kind of knew that jack bauer would survive. But overall a great ride with good characters (new and old) and a great mix. I even liked olivia taylor cause i knew the actress from six feet under (another great show by the way).

Day 3 - This season is my overall favorite cause it is action packed from start to finsh. I liked the salazar plot as well as the saunders one. Chase and Chloe were two new characters i really liked also. The Palmer Story also was more personal witch made it more interesting for me than the political stuff in season 2. The only thing i didn't liked that much was the transition into season 4 with the new beginning (without chase for example).

in the end it comes down to characters for me. In season 6 they didn't worked for me one bit. That could also be another reason i liked season 7 so much more than others.

@Alfie: The best cliffhanger in my opinion was season 4 cause it let so many things open. I even would have liked to see some kind of "Jack on the run" season. The season 2 cliffanger was a bit forced in my opinion with mandy coming out of nowhere and the attack on palmer as plan XYZ in the season. After all the other ones failed.

But overall i didn't understood why they had so much cliffhangers at the end, cause the solutions of them in the following seasons weren't great and Jack always got back to normal pretty quickly.

Alfie said...

To tony,

I would say I agree about mandy but she always in the three seasons she was in does come from no where.
One thing I will say she was best in season 4.
Still I loved Michelle Forbes in Season 2 till she was sadly threw down a staircase. Marine Warner remains one of the creepiest villians on the show....
After a another view I loved season 4 again..... yet it remains the only season where the enemies.... remain more more interesting than the heroes.... I will say This was Chloe's first shinning season. I just can't say it doesn't take to off my list.

Tony Bauer said...


I agree with Season 4. It's so underrated in my mind. The second half of Season 4 is the main reason that season 5 god as good as it was.

I also seen Season 8 now and i have to say it would rank in the bottom part of my ranking. Season 6 was the only one i liked less and with the knowledge that we will get a 24 Comeback next year even the last episodes become much more unimportant.

So my rankings for now would be (from worst to best):

Season 6
Season 8
Season 2
Season 1
Season 5
Season 4
Season 7
Season 3

John said...

@ Tony and Alfie

Just want to say I love that you guys and others are still commenting on this post more than three years after I wrote it. It's because of obsessives like us that the show is coming back!

I might have to rewatch the whole series before the new season premieres and re-rank accordingly.

Thanks for your feedback.

Anonymous said...

Here is how the order the seasons go for me from worst to best

Season 7
Season 8
Season 4
Season 6
Season 2
Season 5
Season 1
Season 3

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Unknown said...

So now that "24 : Live Another Day" has aired and I watched it again after going back and watching every season in order start to finish...... My opinions have changed a little bit. Oddly not the way I thought it would..... So I will explain that later.
In order worst to best my ranking:

Day 8- I still can't get past the useless hours of Dana Walsh. The story is better than Day 6.... but Dana Walsh just kill it. I know season 6 sucks in writing but it surpasses this this in terms of enjoyment.

Day 6- I may very well be the only living person who can list one season I dislike more than this. I will never take the first 4 episodes from Day 6 away from it. By far not the best...but...Dana Walsh Is MUCH WORSE

Day 9 (Live Another Day)- I really wanted to put this higher, but after I thought about it.... If all Seasons could wrap up in 12 episodes wouldn't they allbe more powerful.... I was glad to have it back and see well Audrey's fate, dark Chloe.... but sadly after the second watch it felt more like a bi-product than the actual product.

Day 1- The original, the start, the jawdropper in the final seconds of hour 23..... Now watching and knowing that...This season suffers.... Teri in the afternoon hours faulter.... As well as Dennis Hopper as the head villain... I love the simple storytelling of this Day.... in the end the best was yet to come.

Day 7/ Day 5- This I can't pick between..... I will give 7 points for the FBI storyline and 5 points for Martha Logan.... I look at these as equal..... I lean more towards 7 being the better of the two... Only because 5 seems so polished... The acting is better in 5 the story is better in 7.

Day 3- Go figure my thoughts on 3 go up and down.... I have to say the plot was at its best in the final hotel hours.... Due to Michelle.... Kim even as a decoy was impressive as we generally view her as a Kelly Bundy... Still shiver over the Nina and other kill I will not mention due to to spoilers.... This is quite possibly the easiest season to watch. With Sanders being amazing... but I still like two other days better.

Day 4- By far the most complex action packed full force 24... Dina, Mandy, Marwin, Snipers, Is there anything or anybody not on this mission. If I didn't love my choice so much.... Well fine ..... Day 2- My favorite season of 24 for once I will tie it with 4 as both have minimal flaws.....Day 4 in the football hours and 2 in the final hours. (and yes the cougar...hour 6pm to 7pm) if you must skip it but you will mis Marie Wariners best scene...So a tie...... In the end Palmer as President has the majority of better seasons..... All are great but Palmer as with Jack led the team.

Chuqui said...

Hi from Chile! I have a question. When you say "the part where Jack tasered the phone was AWESOME!", what part are you talking about? What does "tasered" mean? I don't speak english very well, I looked in a translator and couldn't understand what you mean. I'd appreciate your comments on this :)