Monday, July 7, 2008

Random Thought of the Moment: Crowded Movie Theatre Edition

So Erica and I went to the movies this past weekend to see "Hancock" (though not dressed like THAT) and we got there while the coming attractions were still playing.

She stopped off to use the restroom and I went into the theatre to grab a couple of seats from us. Of course, this being a the 4th of July weekend (and "Hancock" being a Will Smith movie) the theatre was pretty packed, which was to be expected, especially since we showed up semi-late.

Still, the theatre wasn't COMPLETELY packed and what I saw was infinitely more infuriating. (Start of rant) What I saw was scattered, empty single seats available throughout the entire theatre. You know how it is because we've all done it — you're at the movies with your date or friends, and you see another group of people seated in your row, but instead of sitting directly next to them, you leave one seat open.

Here's my random thought of the moment: move the f--- over! I mean, why are we really leaving that seat open? Are we that afraid of human contact? Unless the person next to you has a serious case of body odor, there's no reason you can't sit next to them. And if you don't want to sit directly next to someone, at least leave TWO empty seats of space so that a couple who shows up a little later can sit together. I mean, what is the point of leaving ONE open seat? You're taking away a seat in a crowded theatre, and if someone DOES sit in that empty seat you've left, there's a good chance it's going to be some creepy loner.

Now you can say to me, "Buck you, fuddy — why don't you just show up earlier?" and you'd have a fair point (Ok, that would probably be the first time ANYBODY said "buck you, fuddy.") I would say to you that, if there are more than enough empty seats available in a theatre, there's no reason we can't all enjoy the movie comfortably.

Just remember: next time, it could be YOU that has to sit in the third row for a movie in which the director favors woozy camera angles and tight closeups (thanks Peter Berg!)

(End of rant.)


Erica said...

i think i actually got motion sickness from that movie

John said...

I think you did too. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I've learned recently that technology can be a plus in these movie watching locations. The ticket person can tell you how many are in the theatre that you're interested in viewing a film. I've been using that alot recently to decide if I want to see the film at that time or wait for a more empty theatre viewing experience. Of course, that means I approach that time period with a Plan A and B.

John said...


I actually don't mind the crowds too much (at least the people who don't talk over the dialogue and turn off their phones). I think seeing a big summer movie with a full theatre gives the whole experience considerably more energy than if I were in the theatre with only five other people.

I just wish people would move over when possible so that everyone could comfortably enjoy the movie. Then again, if I had to decide between being stuck WAY up front in a crowded theatre or sitting whereever I want in an empty one, I'll definitely take the empty one.