Thursday, November 15, 2007

America's Next Top Recap: Are You A Mused?

To be honest, last night was the first time Jenah (pictured, right) really stood out for me in any way — other than the hideous blonde weave she's been sporting since makeover week.

Not only did she deliver the best-reviewed photo of the evening, but she even had a funny little moment, as she fake-gagged over Ambreal punctuating her little muse speech with a wink. That WAS a bit much, as was her bouncing along down the runway — that girl just can't win. I just wish Jenah didn't look so meh (or sometimes just plain bad) when she's not all dolled up for a challenge or photo shoot.

I should explain. The models were told by "America's Next Top Recap" favorite Benny Ninja that they were to be muses for a group of design students for the week's runway challenge. This led to several amusing exchanges between the designers and the ladies. My favorite was Bianca openly hating her young Asian partner's ideas as she explained in broken English that she wanted her to be a Cleopatra. Also, Heather is really tall, according to her partner, and Lisa was supposed to be arriving at a party late or something.

Although it seemed like we were in for more bitchiness from Bianca, the editing actually toned down her act considerably this week. We actually saw her try to comfort Heather after the latter's disastrous performance in the runway show, which included a representative from Elite Model Management and a photo spread, I mean, the editor from Seventeen magazine.

Despite the fact that Heather (who'll probably still be next week's "Cover Girl of the Week") has taken fantastic photos lately, public speaking turns out to not be her forte. If you can count walking 20 feet, saying one or two sentences of nonsense about being an inspiration, turning around and walking back "public speaking". Other than Saleisha's winning performance, my favorite parts were Benny Ninja asking her what was wrong when she got backstage? (what do you think, Benny?!) and Heather, frustratingly saying she couldn't relate to her dress because it was inspired by the ocean and she's a "fire sign." At least she can take comfort in that Lisa was much worse.

Did someone say fire? (look at that transition — no wonder they pay me to write). After Mr. Jay emerged from the middle of the desert (turned out there was a trailer hidden away somewhere), he informed the girls that the week's photo shoot would involve them acting like they were stranded in the middle of nowhere next to a burning car (can we say "random"?!)

As mentioned before, Jenah rocked the house, but I think I actually liked Bianca's less-gimmicky shot a bit better. My least favorites were turned in by Ambreal (no surprise there), and Chantal which, again, the judge's fawned over, but I thought it was a really unflattering angle (up-your-nose-cam). It's not even because I don't like Chantal — I feel like I can say objectively that she's just not very good.

Highlights during judging included a Chinese lion popping out of nowhere, giving Tyra the opportunity to announce to the girls they'd be heading to China next week. Two reasons this was hilarious: 1. Twiggy trying to play along by asking in a wooden tone "what is it Tyra?" 2. Tyra acting like she was talking to it.

In the end, it came down to Ambreal and Lisa and I can hardly remember a more obvious outcome as Ambreal was eliminated (again!). No Chinese food for her. Unless she orders take-out.

So what'd you think of this episode? Seriously, what the hell was Benny Ninja wearing? Is Jenah the new frontrunner following Heather's meltdown and the upcoming Cover Girl commercial shoot (which is NOT going to be neither easy, breezy, nor beautiful for Heather)? Is there anyone dumber than Chantal? Do people in China eat Chinese food? If so, do they call it that? Finally, I know I asked what purpose Twiggy serves, but what's the point of Miss J? Get them both out!

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