Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hell's Kitchen: Oh Craps

No, I’m not psychic.

This is a recap for LAST WEEK’S episode of “Hell’s Kitchen”, which I just got around to watching and writing about Monday night.

Well, it’s not really a recap. Everything that can be said about last week’s Vegas-centric installment has probably already been said. Instead, I’m going to jot down some quick thoughts in case anyone out there cares to read them (and because I’m an obsessive completist and skipping a recap would’ve irked me as much as a dozen paper cuts).

- Despite the fact that the week’s Vegas theme was completely random – was it a nod or a “take that” to the current “Top Chef: Vegas”? – I really enjoyed this week’s creative challenge.

If the producers spent more time coming up with ingenious ideas for challenges – the teams had to roll a giant Scattergories die on a craps table and pick an ingredient that started with that letter to create a meal – and less time trying to make every challenge look ridiculously, unrealistically close, then we might have something on our hands.

- I should’ve seen the men’s victory coming after the odds were ridiculously stacked in the women’s favor. The red team made the controversial decision to select ingredients that actually complemented each other, while the blue team had to work with tomatoes, angel hair pasta, apple, haddock and (needle scratching on record sound) figs. (Thanks, Dave!).

Still, Kevin (looking more and more like the champion each week) and his teammates were pleasantly surprised when the dish gelled together and the men won a trip to Vegas.

- I thought the show’s unseen narrator was particularly frisky last night, wondering if the men would be able to “fig-ure” out what to make.

- My girlfriend Erica is convinced that Van is secretly a black guy. After hearing him say something like “the girls’ food looked so pretty – like it came out of a COOKBOOK!” and sounding like Tracy Jordan, I can kind of see her point.

- The women did well, but lost due to an overly-garlic-y puree, which Tennille tried to warn Ariel about. I felt a little bad for Tennille until I realized that the reason no one listens to her is because she has absolutely no credibility. (Clumsily claiming, “I’m sleep” doesn’t help either.)

- Thanks to the editing, it seems like the red team finally realized what an annoying, pushy downer of a person Suzanne is.

-Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t really have an interest in eating my dinner in a kitchen. Especially not in “Hell’s Kitchen.” It’s WAY too loud, it has to be hot in there, and you can SEE how inept most of these people are (instead of sitting out in the dining room and being blissfully unaware.)

Yet, last night’s dinner service had two pairs of Ramsay’s colleagues observing the action. Dave seems to have won the appetizer/chef’s table battle over Ariel, but the red team would win the war. Nice to see it only took the women about two months to win a dinner service.

- What was up with Ramsay yelling at Kevin for continuing to cook? I guess Ramsay felt like he had to yell at Kevin for SOMETHING? I’m sure he could’ve found a better excuse than, “Stop working and watch me slam this piece of meat down!”

- Robert came back right before the dinner service, and I was about as excited to see him as his fellow blue team members – not very.

Yes, it was somewhat cold of the men to wish that “Big ‘Un” stayed away because things were going well for the blue team. However, it would’ve been easier for me to feel sorry for Robert if he hadn’t been such an obnoxious, abrasive, wildly overrated chef for most of his time on the show this year.

- Andy saying that he wanted to tell Robert to have a salad was cruel. And true. And a little funny. That was actually one of two times the weasely Andy made me laugh. The second came when Ramsay plucked him from safety and onto the chopping block and Andy responded with an exasperated, “F---!”

- Robert confirmed my feelings about him when, instead of defending himself, he cruelly and immaturely attacked Andy, saying that his rival had no chance of winning “Hell’s Kitchen.” The fact that he’s absolutely right is beside the point – the whole thing made Robert look completely classless.

- Ramsay’s openmouthed/incredulous reaction watching Robert and Andy go at it was priceless.

- At least Robert got away from the show before the producers could kill him.

So what’d you think of this episode? Do you feel like Robert got a raw deal? Got any cool ideas for a challenge? Is it just me or did I miss how the men incorporated apple into their meal? Finally, is there anyone who can step up and challenge a Kevin/Ariel final?

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